

Sleep Science Sleep science is extremely complex!  Different groups of neurons are involved in different physical locations that can turn aspects of sleep on and off.  Without sleep, your body cannot repair both physically and mentally.  Here are some facts about basic sleep science: The sleep system uses classic neurotransmitters, but also other non-neurotransmitter compounds [...]
Serotonin and Depression

Serotonin and Depression

Serotonin- for those who want some more information about serotonin and why you may be feeling the blues…read on.  I put together a brief tutorial on this very important neurotransmitter that is produced both in your brain and your gut…. Physiology Review Serotonin (SERT), is an abundant neurotransmitter that regulates emotional status and mood. It [...]
Riboflavin Deficiency

Riboflavin Deficiency

Mitochondria are the energy producing organelles in eukaryotic cells that produce ATP through the process of oxidative phosphorylation.  Riboflavin acts as precursor to FMN and FAD which are involved in important regulatory pathways of mitochondria, such as metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, purines and redox reactions essential for normal cellular growth and development.  Mitochondria [...]
Interstitial Cystitis Healing and Leaky Gut Part 2

Interstitial Cystitis Healing and Leaky Gut Part 2

For more information about the Root Causes of IC, download the free Guide. If you are ready to get started on the Root Cause investigation and start your healing journey, visit our website for more information and schedule a discovery call! In the last blog, I discussed the link with IC and leaky gut.  In this blog, I go into more [...]