Interstitial Cystitis and Quercetin

Interstitial Cystitis and Quercetin

I often recommend quercetin to my clients that I educate on supplements that are beneficial for modulating inflammation.  During my research on the benefits of quercetin, I found some interesting literature that seems promising in the therapy of bladder conditions. UTI’s are one of the most common bacterial infections of the bladder and account for [...]
Thiamine Deficiency, Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

Thiamine Deficiency, Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

The relationship between thiamine and diabetes mellitus (DM) has been reported in the literature (Luong & Nguyen, 2012). Thiamine acts as a coenzyme for transketolase (Tk) and for the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes. These enzymes play a fundamental role for intracellular glucose metabolism by increasing Krebs cycle activity (Luong & Nguyen, 2012).  [...]
Laugh away your IC Pain!

Laugh away your IC Pain!

I made a client laugh once and she said: “I feel better already!”  I found a study conducted in 2010 that examined the effectiveness of humor therapy in relieving chronic pain, enhancing the quality of life and reducing loneliness among older persons with chronic pain.  In this study, older persons in a nursing home participated [...]
IC and Histamine

IC and Histamine

I have been very interested in histamine and histamine intolerance from the time I was first diagnosed with IC and noticed that allergy medications helped me during flare-ups.  It is well known that there is an involvement of mast cells and cystitis related pain. “Interstitial cystitis has been found in combination with some allergic or [...]