
Garlic and Cilantro Roasted Broccoli

Nov 30, 2019 | Recipes, Wellness

Broccoli is so good for you! It is not only high in fiber, its filling, packed with nutrients and promotes phase 2 detoxification for your liver. This is very important for your healing.

Broccoli is an important part of a healthy diet for many people around the world, and while broccoli is widely appreciated for its unique taste and crunchiness, most people don’t even realize that this veggie prevents various types of cancer, improves eye health, and helps you shed the pounds.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Here is what you need:

1-2c fresh broccoli

Fresh cilantro (1 bunch)- finely chopped

Fresh garlic (2-3 cloves) chopped

1 TBSP ghee

Pink Himalayan sea salt

1/4c Coconut aminos


  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. In a glass dish, combine broccoli, melted ghee or avocado oil, chopped garlic, cilantro, sea salt and coconut aminos
  3. Mix well until broccoli is completely covered.
  4. Cover with aluminum
  5. Bake for 30 minutes
  6. Remove, cool and enjoy

Health benefits:

Garlic-the benefits are most when eaten raw after they have been chopped. Or left out for 10 minutes before cooked. The key is to chop them! Garlic is high in manganese, B6, Vit C, selenium and fiber. Garlic also has potent antimicrobial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. The active compounds can also reduce blood pressure, lowers LDL cholesterol, and help enhance liver detox pathways.

Sea salt-rich in trace minerals, can regulate fluid balance, and provides the body with essential electrolytes for regulating cellular function. Contains magnesium, calcium and potassium…cooking with Sea salt is the wise thing to do! IT can also help increase HCL production in your stomach for proper digestion

Cilantro- This is definitely my favorite herb. Cilantro not only has an amazing aroma, it is a superfood. Packed with vitamin A, K, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, this herb can help build strong bone, teeth and hair. 
Cilantro is considered the “anti-diabetic” plant in some parts of Europe, and research shows that it helps to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, supports healthy cardiovascular function, and much more. Cilantro is able to bind heavy metals and facilitate their elimination out of the body. This is important since chronic antibiotic use is associated with heavy metal toxicity, and that can actually cause infections to relapse. Therefore, a strong detoxification protocol is key, and it should involve removing the stubborn heavy metals. Results of the study showed that by supplementing antibiotic drugs with cilantro, cilantro is able to rid the body of the heavy metal toxins, and keep the infections from arising again.  Cilantro has other benefits such as protecting from oxidative stress/free radicals, lowering anxiety and improving sleep, controlling blood sugar, and can even prevent UTI’s! So double wammy here for UTI prevention. The coriander seeds within cilantro is where most of the UTI armor comes from. 
UTI’s may be caused by E. coli, staphylococcus bacteria, sexual activity, genetics, or diabetes. Cilantro’s antibacterial compounds help to keep the urinary tract healthy, and free from unhealthy bacteria in a healthy alkaline environment. In addition to cilantro, coriander seeds are helpful in relieving symptoms, if a UTI does occur. Finally, cilantro can also support neurological function, prevent neuroinflammation, and also protects against colon cancer.

Coconut Aminos- Coconut aminos are a sauce often used to substitute for soy sauce in Asian food dishes. Rather than supplementing food with a hormone-riddled, sodium-rich mystery sauce, you can use coconut aminos as a tasty, healthy replacement. Coconut aminos are gluten-free, non-GMO, certified organic, soy-free, MSG-free, kosher and vegan.  Coconut aminos may strengthen your immune system. Coconut products are high antioxidant foods which counteract the dangerous influence of free radicals in your body. They can reduce oxidative stress, which can strengthen against illness and disease.
The significance of coconut products and their effects on adiponectin production may also resolve some insulin resistance issues. These issues are common in both patients with diabetes and those suffering from other metabolic conditions, such as  PCOS. It also contains inositol that also can help regulate insulin and treat conditions of PCOS, elevated androgen hormones and irregular periods. They are rich in amino acids (contains 9 essential and 5 conditionally essential), B vitamins and medium chain triglycerdies

Broccoli- Broccoli is a superfood! Not only is it high in fiber, it contains sulforophane that has been shown to kill cancer cells and suppress tumor growth. It also has glucorophanin that can boost cell enzymes to protect against molecular damage from cancer causing agents. Studies show that sulforophane can normalize DNA methylation which is important for normal cell function to turn the right genes on and off.
One study published in PLoS One, for instance, found that just four servings of broccoli per week could protect men from prostate cancer. One serving of broccoli is about two spears, so that’s only 10 broccoli spears per week.

Broccoli supports your body’s detoxification, thanks to the phytonutrients glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin. It is anti inflammatory, contains flavanoids that may fight allergies, supports eye health (carotenoids), and can support phase 2 detoxification. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, protein and vitamin C

Ghee-Ghee is truly delicious in vegetables and gives it a buttery taste without the inflammation.  It is packed with fat soluble vitamins (E, K) and are highly absorbing in a leaky gut.  It is free of lactose, casein, contains conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) and is loaded with butyrate, which is a short chain fatty acid that plays a role in gut health.  ome studies have suggested that it may help support healthy insulin levels, fight off inflammation, and provide relief for individuals suffering from conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (Axe, n.d.).  This important fatty acid is made when you eat fiber, so eating ghee with vegetables seems like a dazzling duo.  It is food for your microbiome and may help fight inflammation

To learn more about healing form IC naturally, please visit our website: https://ichealer.com If you are looking for self healing, we recently launched our Self Healing IC Course featuring 10 hours of video designed to help you discover your root cause. Once you know your root cause, you can start your healing journey. To find out more information about our exciting new course, please find the information below:

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